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Simply Belief

Simply V - Change that tastes good!

Hello world, now would be a good time to melt away.
Why? Well - because of our mission to bring you all together at one table. No matter how different you seem to be. No matter where you come from, what you eat, who you love, what you care about in life.
We are all the same at the table and can take a leaf out of each other's book somewhere. Sounds cheesy? Exactly. That's why we're doing this. Plant yourself with us!
Simply V is not just any plant-based cheese alternative -. Tastes good? It tastes good!
So, come on, prejudice doesn't taste good, instead we prefer inclusive, intensely flavorful and above all: simple. That's what it's all about. Good, simple alternatives for a good future for ALL of us.
All of this is Simply V: Simply Us. Simple, colorful and delicious.

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Simply V is colorful and diverse

We offer a colorful range of cheese alternatives, the right one for every taste. With our variety, we bring color to the fridge and taste to the table.

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Simply V is for everyone

We bring everyone together. We don't differentiate according to diet or lifestyle. If you feel good, that's the way it should be. Period.

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Simply V connects

We are convinced that food connects. We are committed to togetherness - at the dinner table AND in our society.

Join us #simplyvsimplygood